Thursday, 15 January 2015

Winter Craft (Decorated Slippers, Golf Ball Snowman,Plastic Spoon Snowman,Sock Snowman Craft)

Decorated Slippers

This is an easy gift idea for kids to make, and they can really go to town personalising their slippers for the recipient!
decorated slippers - gifts kids can make
You will need:
An inexpensive pair of plain slippers
Fabric flowers (from a haberdashers or craft store), or other embellishments
Fabric glue
Use the fabric glue to stick to flowers onto the slippers to great your own unique way to keep someone's feet warm this winter. The slippers make a great Christmas gift.

Golf Ball Snowman

This would make a cute paperweight for Dad’s desk this Christmas!
Golf Ball Snowman craft
You will need:
Two old golf balls
Strong glue
Film canister
Paint (black and orange)
Sticky tack
Glue the golf balls together. Glue on the canister so it makes a hat.
When the glue is dry, paint eyes, mouth, buttons and a carrot nose on to your snowman. Tie a piece of ribbon around the snowman’s neck for a scarf.

Plastic Spoon Snowman

This cute snowman is quick and easy to make with some simple materials
Plastic Spoon Snowman
You will need:
White plastic spoon
Scrap of orange craft foam, felt or card
Scrap of black craft foam, felt or card
Felt or ribbon for a scarf if you like
Black beads or stickers
Marker pen
White glue (PVA)
Cut the appropriate nose and hat shapes out of your scraps. Using tiny dabs of white glue, attach the features carefully. Use a marker pen to draw a mouth.

Sock Snowman Craft

You will need a white sock and a baby sock to make this gorgeous sock snowman - but he is so gorgeous we don't think you will be able to stop at one!
Sock snowman craft
You will need:
A white ankle sock (we used ladies size)
Baby sock
Toy stuffing
Fabric glue
Brown felt
Scrap of orange craft foam
Scrap card
Cut a small circle of scrap card and pop it in the toe of the ankle sock.
Stuff the sock to the heel.
Sock snowman step 1
Tie a knot in the sock and trim off the excess.
Sock snowman step 2
The sock should now stand up on the card base.
Tie a length of ribbon around the sock where you want the scarf to be. It will help separate the sock into head and body.
Sock snowman step 3
Slip the baby sock onto the head to form the hat. Tie a piece of wool around the end and cut off the "toe" end of the baby sock.
Glue on twig arms (cut from brown felt), a carrot nose (from orange craft foam), eyes and a row of buttons down his front (from sequins or buttons).